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Women's Leadership

“Too often the prohibition of women is emphasized in the church, instead of teaching women how God has made them, how they are an individual before Him, how He has gifted them, and what the Lord can do through women who are committed to him and to His Word. God is just as pleased to use women just as men within Divine design. Our women’s leaders need to be Bible scholars, they need to be Bible students, and they need to be women that are striving to live out God’s character as He has so clearly presented in Scripture.”

Sheila Pennington, Countryside Bible Church

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Church leadership matters. Leaders in the church have a significant impact on the health and maturity of the congregation. This is why the New Testament provides such clear teaching regarding appointing leadership in the church, and why it spends a significant amount of time providing instruction to church leaders. Biblical leadership looks very different than the leadership of the world and so it must be intentionally cultivated through the study and application of God’s word. This is the goal of Becoming a Biblical Leader.

Becoming a Biblical Leader: Women’s Edition is a modified version of Becoming a Biblical Leader that is focused on equipping women. While much of what the Bible says about leadership is appropriate for both men and women, God has established unique roles and priorities for women within the church as they use their gifts to build up the body of Christ.

Paul reminds elders that they serve the church of God (Acts 20:28). He is the One who established the church and has promised that the gates of hell will not prevail against it (Matthew 16:18). Christ’s love for the church is so great that He gave His life for it (Ephesians 5:2, 25).

We must understand that it is a privilege beyond measure to serve in God’s church. Think about it: what better way to spend your life than for those for whom Christ gave His life?

The truth is that you can fritter your life away on multitudes of things that have no eternal value. But the church is the object of Christ’s love and you can participate in leading God’s church.

When our Lord was on this earth He made it clear that His children should bear much fruit.