staff2 scaled e1716569325363 XL Ministries, Inc

Board Members

Rocky Wyatt


rocky XL Ministries, Inc

more about Rocky…

The Lord graciously opened my eyes to the truth of Scripture when I was thirteen years old. As a young adult, I began serving the Lord in Youth Ministry. During my first few years of ministry, I recognized the need for churches to take a much more active role in training men for ministry. Brian Murphy and Chris Riser were both youth pastors at the time and they were instrumental in the formation of XL Ministries. In our first few years, we focused solely on training Youth Pastors. In the subsequent years, we all moved into different areas of ministry. As a result, we began training men in all areas of pastoral ministry.


Today, I live in the mountains of Southern Colorado with my wife, Pam. I work full-time for XL Ministries, and it is our delight to provide training and resources for churches who want to take an active role in training elders. We also help churches establish intensive 2–3-year internships for training both pastors and missionaries.


Pam and I like to hike and host guests in our home. We also enjoy the great privilege of having 10 wonderful grandchildren.

Brian Murphy

Executive Director

IMG 0016 XL Ministries, Inc

more about Brian…

I have been involved in full-time ministry since 1984. The Lord Jesus in His providence brought me to Himself when I was in the 8th grade (1979) through a classmate and my youth pastor, named Rocky Wyatt. Yep, Rocky and I go way back.

During my four decades in ministry, I have served as a Youth Pastor, Executive Pastor, Lead Pastor, and Church Planter. I have a heart to preach and shepherd Christ’s flock. I also have a passion to train church leaders and to see missionaries sent out well to the places where Christ has not yet been named. I had the privilege of helping start XL Ministries with Rocky and Chris Riser, and now have been full-time with XL since 2022.

My wife, Diane, and I have been married since 1991 and we have three boys, one girl (who is absolutely my princess), and, as of now, six wonderful grandchildren.

Some of my favorite verses are found in Psalm 73:26-28:

“My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Those who are far from you will perish; you destroy all who are unfaithful to you. But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds.”

Chris Riser

Board Member

IMG 0015 XL Ministries, Inc

more about Chris…

The greatest thing that has ever happened to me is the work of God to bring me to salvation! I was not raised in a Christian home and so the salvation of my parents when I was seven years old had a radical impact on the course of my life. We began attending church and I heard the gospel many times. When I was ten I realized that I never put my faith and trust in Christ alone. During the next church service, I completely and clearly committed my life to Christ: repenting of my sin, trusting His completed work, and placing myself totally in His hands. When I was in the tenth grade I felt a very strong desire from the Lord to pursue youth ministry and devoted my life to that task. As a result, I have been actively involved in ministry to teens and adults since 1985.

By the Lord’s grace I have had the privilege of serving in a variety of churches and ministries. I served as pastor to junior and senior high youth at Cape Bible Chapel in Cape Girardeau, Missouri from 1992 — 2001, when I left to attend Master’s Seminary in Los Angeles, CA. At the completion of seminary in 2004, God moved my family to Maryville, TN, where I am currently the teaching pastor at Grace Community Church.

I have been married to my beautiful wife Alisa since 1989. We have a son, Josiah (1995), and three daughters, Johanna (2003), Maria (2006), and Salena (2008). Maria and Salena are biological sisters who were adopted from Haiti in 2010.

My passion is to walk in a manner worthy of my Lord, to minister within the local church, and to train others to serve Jesus with excellence, grace, and wisdom. It is my deepest desire to see Christ magnified so that all peoples and all nations might fear and worship Him as He so richly deserves.

My life verse is Hebrews 12:1-4.
“Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you may not grow weary and lose heart. You have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood in your striving against sin;”

Jonathan Anderson

Board Member

IMG 0009 scaled XL Ministries, Inc

more about Jonathan…

By God’s grace, I came to understand and embrace the truth of the gospel in elementary school. In junior high and high school, I began to more fully understand what a life of commitment to Christ looked like through the example of my parents and the discipleship of my youth pastor, Chris Riser. Since that time, I have been actively involved in a variety of ministries including youth, children’s and missions.

I also had the joy of getting to know Christy, my incredible wife and best friend, during those years in the junior high and high school youth group. We were married in 2001 and the Lord has since blessed us with five daughters, Anna (July 2002), Abby (December 2003), Aubrey (July 2005), Ashlyn (June 2007), and Allie (April 2009).

In 2003, we moved to Texas where I completed the XL internship at Countryside Bible Church. After my internship, I remained on staff in the youth ministry and then transitioned to become the Family Pastor in the summer of 2007. Since then, it has been my joy to oversee our children’s ministries and to partner with parents in seeking to raise up the next generation for His glory.

I am what I am today because of God’s work through faithful men entrusting His Word to me and it is a great joy and privilege to pass that baton of God’s truth to others.

Colossians 3:1–4
“Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.”

Justin Turner

Board Member

IMG 0010 XL Ministries, Inc

more about Justin…

I grew up in Southlake, Texas, attending Countryside Bible Church. Through God’s goodness to me, I became a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ around 5th grade. After graduating from Carroll High School I completed my Bachelor’s (B.A.) degree in History from Texas Tech University. I then worked as a teacher while completing a Youth Internship with XL Ministries, after which I served as a Youth Minister in Lubbock for a year. I returned to Southlake in July of 2007 to join the Countryside staff as the Youth Pastor. In 2021 I completed my Master of Divinity (M.Div.) degree at The Master’s Seminary – Dallas Distance Location. I now oversee the Youth Ministry, Sports Ministry, and assist with the Women’s Ministry at Countryside. My wife is Kim and we have three children, Tucker, Tatum and Tanner.

My favorite verse is Matthew 5:16.
“Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.”

Bryan Chandler

Board Member

IMG 0020 scaled XL Ministries, Inc

more about Bryan…

At the age of 25, the Holy Spirit convicted me of my sin and gave me an understanding of depravity. I repented of my transgressions against a holy God and believed in the work accomplished by Jesus Christ on the cross to reconcile me with God.


The Lord began His work in me as I regularly attended church, read my Bible, and listened to sermons by John MacArthur from the tape ministry of Grace Church. In 1994, I moved to Southlake and began attending Countryside Bible Church. I worked in the youth ministry, led by Rocky Wyatt. During the six years I served under his leadership, Rocky discipled me with classes on theology, Bible survey, and personal instruction on teaching the Word of God.

I left youth ministry to lead the college group. I had the opportunity to teach our college students the Scriptures for six years and to lead them in various faith-building activities, which included mission trips to Mexico and ski trips to Colorado. In 2006, I began teaching a new adult Sunday school class, CrossWords, and still continue teaching that class.


In 2002, I became an elder and part of a new leadership team which hired Tom Pennington as Countryside’s Pastor-Teacher in 2003. The Lord has continued to grow me spiritually under Tom’s ministry and his instruction from the Bible. These years serving a growing, unified church alongside faithful, godly men on CBC’s elder board have been an amazing gift from our faithful Lord.


I married my best friend, Linda, on January 13, 1979. We have four children and thirteen grandchildren: Nathan and his wife, Christé, with Creighton, Carson, Camdyn, Cade, and Crew; Caitlin and her husband, Derek, with Remington, Hayes, and Heston; Scott and his wife, Alissa, with Lyla, Vayda, Ivy, and Townes; Deborah and her husband, Roby, with our newest grandson, Wells.


Isaiah 26:3–4
“The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace, because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, for in GOD the LORD, we have an everlasting Rock.”

Jonathan Pendrich

Board Member

jp scaled e1711738613637 XL Ministries, Inc

more about Jonathan…

I was born and raised in London, England, where my dad served as the pastor of a church for 37 years. Prior to that, he pastored in Scotland for five years, so I spent most of my childhood growing up in the church. Through the Lord’s sovereignty and power, I moved to the United States at 19 years old with two suitcases and $300 to my name. I attended Dallas Baptist University (DBU) where I received my undergraduate in business management and later my MBA in computer science.

While at DBU, about six months after my arrival, I met my wife, Lindsay, and we married in Scotland three years later.  Once we returned, I worked at DBU as the IT Manager. Not long after that, I became the Chief Information Officer (CIO) of a small startup company, which later grew from a $90m-a-year to a $750m-a-year business. During my 12 years there, I transitioned from CIO to a consultant for customers, working to advise and direct large corporations on their IT needs. In doing that, I was providing direction and strategy in their implementation so that their needs lined up with their budgets and business requirements. In 2018, I took a different position at a local company so I wouldn’t have to travel and could be with my family more.

I am passionate about XL Ministries because of my church life. Growing up in England, I saw my dad do absolutely everything, including building kitchens, bathrooms, gardening, and everything else in the church. Members were not very active and my dad needed the help. At one point, after an evaluation period, he made a decision to bring on an elder whom he had met a few times. Not long after that, the elder created a number of serious issues in the church, which resulted in the church splitting. I’ve witnessed, first hand, the devastation that comes from having men in place as elders and leaders who haven’t been trained or qualified.

My family and I are members of Countryside Bible Church in Southlake, Texas and have served in the Welcome Center of the Kids‘ Building since 2019. We’ve been privileged to lead home fellowships in our home and I help out with the Youth Ministry sword drills. The spiritual discipleship mentoring, training, and encouragement to grow and live a godly life have been instrumental, not only to us, but to our three, wonderful children: Isabella, Sophia, and Joey.

rocky XL Ministries, Inc

Rocky Wyatt


more about Rocky…

The Lord graciously opened my eyes to the truth of Scripture when I was thirteen years old. As a young adult, I began serving the Lord in Youth Ministry. During my first few years of ministry, I recognized the need for churches to take a much more active role in training men for ministry. Brian Murphy and Chris Riser were both youth pastors at the time and they were instrumental in the formation of XL Ministries. In our first few years, we focused solely on training Youth Pastors. In the subsequent years, we all moved into different areas of ministry. As a result, we began training men in all areas of pastoral ministry.


Today, I live in the mountains of Southern Colorado with my wife, Pam. I work full-time for XL Ministries, and it is our delight to provide training and resources for churches who want to take an active role in training elders. We also help churches establish intensive 2–3-year internships for training both pastors and missionaries.


Pam and I like to hike and host guests in our home. We also enjoy the great privilege of having 10 wonderful grandchildren.

IMG 0016 XL Ministries, Inc

Brian Murphy

Executive Director

more about Brian…

I have been involved in full-time ministry since 1984. The Lord Jesus in His providence brought me to Himself when I was in the 8th grade (1979) through a classmate and my youth pastor, named Rocky Wyatt. Yep, Rocky and I go way back.

During my four decades in ministry, I have served as a Youth Pastor, Executive Pastor, Lead Pastor, and Church Planter. I have a heart to preach and shepherd Christ’s flock. I also have a passion to train church leaders and to see missionaries sent out well to the places where Christ has not yet been named. I had the privilege of helping start XL Ministries with Rocky and Chris Riser, and now have been full-time with XL since 2022.

My wife, Diane, and I have been married since 1991 and we have three boys, one girl (who is absolutely my princess), and, as of now, six wonderful grandchildren.

Some of my favorite verses are found in Psalm 73:26-28:

“My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Those who are far from you will perish; you destroy all who are unfaithful to you. But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds.”

IMG 0015 XL Ministries, Inc

Chris Riser

Board Member

more about Chris…

The greatest thing that has ever happened to me is the work of God to bring me to salvation! I was not raised in a Christian home and so the salvation of my parents when I was seven years old had a radical impact on the course of my life. We began attending church and I heard the gospel many times. When I was ten I realized that I never put my faith and trust in Christ alone. During the next church service, I completely and clearly committed my life to Christ: repenting of my sin, trusting His completed work, and placing myself totally in His hands. When I was in the tenth grade I felt a very strong desire from the Lord to pursue youth ministry and devoted my life to that task. As a result, I have been actively involved in ministry to teens and adults since 1985.

By the Lord’s grace I have had the privilege of serving in a variety of churches and ministries. I served as pastor to junior and senior high youth at Cape Bible Chapel in Cape Girardeau, Missouri from 1992 — 2001, when I left to attend Master’s Seminary in Los Angeles, CA. At the completion of seminary in 2004, God moved my family to Maryville, TN, where I am currently the teaching pastor at Grace Community Church.

I have been married to my beautiful wife Alisa since 1989. We have a son, Josiah (1995), and three daughters, Johanna (2003), Maria (2006), and Salena (2008). Maria and Salena are biological sisters who were adopted from Haiti in 2010.

My passion is to walk in a manner worthy of my Lord, to minister within the local church, and to train others to serve Jesus with excellence, grace, and wisdom. It is my deepest desire to see Christ magnified so that all peoples and all nations might fear and worship Him as He so richly deserves.

My life verse is Hebrews 12:1-4.
“Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you may not grow weary and lose heart. You have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood in your striving against sin;”

IMG 0009 scaled XL Ministries, Inc

Jonathan Anderson

Board Member

more about Jonathan…

By God’s grace, I came to understand and embrace the truth of the gospel in elementary school. In junior high and high school, I began to more fully understand what a life of commitment to Christ looked like through the example of my parents and the discipleship of my youth pastor, Chris Riser. Since that time, I have been actively involved in a variety of ministries including youth, children’s and missions.

I also had the joy of getting to know Christy, my incredible wife and best friend, during those years in the junior high and high school youth group. We were married in 2001 and the Lord has since blessed us with five daughters, Anna (July 2002), Abby (December 2003), Aubrey (July 2005), Ashlyn (June 2007), and Allie (April 2009).

In 2003, we moved to Texas where I completed the XL internship at Countryside Bible Church. After my internship, I remained on staff in the youth ministry and then transitioned to become the Family Pastor in the summer of 2007. Since then, it has been my joy to oversee our children’s ministries and to partner with parents in seeking to raise up the next generation for His glory.

I am what I am today because of God’s work through faithful men entrusting His Word to me and it is a great joy and privilege to pass that baton of God’s truth to others.

Colossians 3:1–4
“Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.”

IMG 0010 XL Ministries, Inc

Justin Turner

Board Member

more about Justin…

I grew up in Southlake, Texas, attending Countryside Bible Church. Through God’s goodness to me, I became a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ around 5th grade. After graduating from Carroll High School I completed my Bachelor’s (B.A.) degree in History from Texas Tech University. I then worked as a teacher while completing a Youth Internship with XL Ministries, after which I served as a Youth Minister in Lubbock for a year. I returned to Southlake in July of 2007 to join the Countryside staff as the Youth Pastor. In 2021 I completed my Master of Divinity (M.Div.) degree at The Master’s Seminary – Dallas Distance Location. I now oversee the Youth Ministry, Sports Ministry, and assist with the Women’s Ministry at Countryside. My wife is Kim and we have three children, Tucker, Tatum and Tanner.

My favorite verse is Matthew 5:16.
“Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.”

IMG 0020 scaled XL Ministries, Inc

Bryan Chandler

Board Member

more about Bryan…

At the age of 25, the Holy Spirit convicted me of my sin and gave me an understanding of depravity. I repented of my transgressions against a holy God and believed in the work accomplished by Jesus Christ on the cross to reconcile me with God.


The Lord began His work in me as I regularly attended church, read my Bible, and listened to sermons by John MacArthur from the tape ministry of Grace Church. In 1994, I moved to Southlake and began attending Countryside Bible Church. I worked in the youth ministry, led by Rocky Wyatt. During the six years I served under his leadership, Rocky discipled me with classes on theology, Bible survey, and personal instruction on teaching the Word of God.

I left youth ministry to lead the college group. I had the opportunity to teach our college students the Scriptures for six years and to lead them in various faith-building activities, which included mission trips to Mexico and ski trips to Colorado. In 2006, I began teaching a new adult Sunday school class, CrossWords, and still continue teaching that class.


In 2002, I became an elder and part of a new leadership team which hired Tom Pennington as Countryside’s Pastor-Teacher in 2003. The Lord has continued to grow me spiritually under Tom’s ministry and his instruction from the Bible. These years serving a growing, unified church alongside faithful, godly men on CBC’s elder board have been an amazing gift from our faithful Lord.


I married my best friend, Linda, on January 13, 1979. We have four children and thirteen grandchildren: Nathan and his wife, Christé, with Creighton, Carson, Camdyn, Cade, and Crew; Caitlin and her husband, Derek, with Remington, Hayes, and Heston; Scott and his wife, Alissa, with Lyla, Vayda, Ivy, and Townes; Deborah and her husband, Roby, with our newest grandson, Wells.


Isaiah 26:3–4
“The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace, because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, for in GOD the LORD, we have an everlasting Rock.”

jp scaled e1711738613637 XL Ministries, Inc

Jonathan Pendrich

Board Member

more about Jonathan…

I was born and raised in London, England, where my dad served as the pastor of a church for 37 years. Prior to that, he pastored in Scotland for five years, so I spent most of my childhood growing up in the church. Through the Lord’s sovereignty and power, I moved to the United States at 19 years old with two suitcases and $300 to my name. I attended Dallas Baptist University (DBU) where I received my undergraduate in business management and later my MBA in computer science.

While at DBU, about six months after my arrival, I met my wife, Lindsay, and we married in Scotland three years later.  Once we returned, I worked at DBU as the IT Manager. Not long after that, I became the Chief Information Officer (CIO) of a small startup company, which later grew from a $90m-a-year to a $750m-a-year business. During my 12 years there, I transitioned from CIO to a consultant for customers, working to advise and direct large corporations on their IT needs. In doing that, I was providing direction and strategy in their implementation so that their needs lined up with their budgets and business requirements. In 2018, I took a different position at a local company so I wouldn’t have to travel and could be with my family more.

I am passionate about XL Ministries because of my church life. Growing up in England, I saw my dad do absolutely everything, including building kitchens, bathrooms, gardening, and everything else in the church. Members were not very active and my dad needed the help. At one point, after an evaluation period, he made a decision to bring on an elder whom he had met a few times. Not long after that, the elder created a number of serious issues in the church, which resulted in the church splitting. I’ve witnessed, first hand, the devastation that comes from having men in place as elders and leaders who haven’t been trained or qualified.

My family and I are members of Countryside Bible Church in Southlake, Texas and have served in the Welcome Center of the Kids‘ Building since 2019. We’ve been privileged to lead home fellowships in our home and I help out with the Youth Ministry sword drills. The spiritual discipleship mentoring, training, and encouragement to grow and live a godly life have been instrumental, not only to us, but to our three, wonderful children: Isabella, Sophia, and Joey.


Chip Bingham

Business Director


more about Chip…

I am grateful that God allowed me to be raised in a Christian home under parents who loved the Lord. My father was a pastor in a small local church, and, by God’s grace, the Lord drew me to Himself at a young age. 

Shortly after being introduced to my future wife, Billie Ruth, I heard her speak at a training event for children’s ministries. After hearing of her deep love for God and her passion for ministry, I knew I wanted to marry this godly woman. We were married in the fall of 2000 and have been blessed with two wonderful children, Edith and Liam.

We have been attending Countryside Bible Church in Southlake for over 20 years and enjoy serving in ministries to young families. Additionally, our entire family has been directly impacted, encouraged, and blessed by the people who have gone through the XL program at Countryside.

Growing up as a preacher’s kid, I saw the need for raising up biblical leaders within the church. That is why I am so excited about what XL is doing: providing the structure and materials to train up leaders, elders, pastors, and missionaries within the local church.

Ryan Mitchell

Director of International Ministries

Ryan Mitchell scaled e1709751835759 XL Ministries, Inc

more about Ryan…

During the first ten years of my life, I was sprinkled as an infant in the Catholic Church, my mom was graciously saved by God and left the RC Church, and then, through her faithful instruction in the Scriptures, God saved me too. We never found a good church during my school-going years, but, while I was at university, a friend invited me to Grace Fellowship Pretoria, which is pastored by Joel James, a graduate of The Master’s Seminary. The first time I heard Joel preach I looked down at my Bible, looked up at Joel, looked back down at my Bible, and said to myself, “This is where I belong! He made the Scripture so clear!” I had found a church committed to the Word of God, expository preaching, biblical counseling, elder rule, and training men for ministry. It wasn’t long before many years of slow growth in the faith turned into a race car-paced growth in godliness. 

At the University of Pretoria, I completed a BA Hons in Ancient Languages and Cultures. While completing this degree, Joel took me on as his part-time secretary (something about that crazy degree made Joel like me), which eventually became a full-time position. Over the years, I taught Sunday school classes, adult classes, and helped lead a Bible study. After years of faithful service in the local body, my elders affirmed my call to ministry and in 2010 my family and I headed off to The Master’s Seminary where I spent the next four years studying for the MDiv degree. In 2014, we returned to South Africa where I served as the registrar of a reformed seminary. From 2015 to 2017, I served as an associate pastor at my home church where I worked with a team of pastors to start Shepherds’ Seminary Africa. 

In 2016, my family and I started preparing for church planting in Papua New Guinea and began serving there in 2018. We lived in a mountain village in the Madang Province for close to four years. There we had the privilege of working alongside FinisTerre missionaries, Zach and Cassidy Cann, as they preached the gospel, taught literacy and reading, and planted a church. In 2022, we moved down to Madang town where we fulfilled various ministry and supportive roles until our departure from the field in late 2023.

In February 2024, I joined Living Hope Bible Church in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa where I now serve as an associate pastor to fellow TMS graduate, Andrew Zekveld. Andrew and my fellow elders have asked me to help them establish formal training for men who want to go into full-time pastoral ministry, help them train up elders in several church plants they work with, and help plant churches in the province. XL Ministries’ resources and internships are the perfect tool to help us reach our goal of entrusting to faithful men the gospel of Jesus Christ so that they can plant churches, equip God’s people, and entrust the same truth to others also. I and my fellow elders here at LHBC are excited to be introducing XL Ministries to the church in South Africa and beyond. 

As thankful as I am for the ministry God has allowed me to serve in, I am most thankful for my wife, Elna, and our two kids, Calista and Sebastian. They are a precious gift from the Lord.

Pam Wyatt


Pam for website

more about Pam…

I am married to Rocky Wyatt and together we have ten grandchildren and two German Shepherds. We currently make our home in the mountains of Southern Colorado where we love hosting friends and family at our cabin and get to be close to my parents in the nearby town of Westcliffe.

I was saved when I was in high school and then served in youth ministry under Rocky as a college student. At that time, I learned the importance of being trained in leadership. I now have the privilege of discipling women with “XL’s Becoming a Biblical Leader, Women’s Edition.” In addition, I am a CPA and worked for a nonprofit foundation for 16 years. Today, I am blessed to use my education and experience to serve XL.

T.J. Welch

Information Manager


more about T.J….

Having served in men’s ministry for 12 years, I worked in various administrative roles before I started working with XL Ministries. By God’s goodness, I started a family and enjoy working to further the cause by helping local churches train and develop their own leaders and elders.

Barbara Kemp

Executive Assistant


more about Barbara…

Barbara is a native Texan and life-long resident of the Fort Worth area. She began volunteering with XL Ministries in the late ‘90s and came on staff part time in 2001. In 2004 she retired from working in systems management; in 2023 she retired from working at her church.  She continues to work part time at XL Ministries, and also enjoys knitting, crocheting, bike riding, playing Pinochle with friends, and participating in “Texas 42” domino tournaments.

Billie Ruth Bingham

Project Manager


more about Billie Ruth…

In God’s kindness, He allowed me to grow up in a Christian home where I learned the truths of the gospel from a young age. At the age of 16, my heart was opened to my need for a Savior and I trusted in Christ as my LORD and Savior at that time. I attended Texas A&M University and studied Education and then continued my studies at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary by earning a Master’s in Religious Education in 1991. Since that time, I served on two church staffs: one in Texas and one in Alabama.

In 2000, I married Chip Bingham and God blessed us with two children, Edith and Liam. We are thankful to call Fort Worth, Texas and Countryside Bible Church our home. Since 2003, we have been attending Countryside Bible Church and are thankful for the opportunities to serve in various capacities with young families and children. 

Wescott Robinson

Internship Manager


more about Wescott…

Wescott has been serving as the Pastor of Discipleship and Equipping at Littlerock Community Fellowship since 2018. He and his wife, Heather, live in Turnwater, Washington with their 3 wonderful daughters. Wescott came to know the Lord when he was a freshman in high school and later attended the Master’s University. He’s been serving faithfully in pastoral ministry since 2003 and earned his Master of Divinity from Gateway Seminary.

Hannah Marquez

XL Conference Coordinator


more about Hannah…

I was born in Texas and raised in Cape Girardeau, MO. I grew up attending church and learning about God and His Word. But in high school, through His undeserving grace, God allowed all the head knowledge I had to reach my heart and opened my eyes to see my need for Jesus Christ as my Savior.


In college I moved to Fort Worth, TX where I attended Criswell College and received a certificate in Biblical Studies. I then attended the University of North Texas where I graduated with a bachelor’s in interdisciplinary studies.


After some time serving as an administrative assistant at Countryside Bible Church and working in various teaching jobs, I married my husband, Edwin, in 2010. I am currently a stay-at-home mom to my two children, Silas and Alexis. Along with being a wife and mother, I have the privilege of serving my church in various ministries and serving XL Ministries as their Conference Coordinator.

Julie Armstrong

Shipping Coordinator


more about Julie…

By His grace, the Lord brought me to Himself at a young age through the faithfulness of my mom. I have had the privilege of being part of solid, Bible-teaching churches from my youth, observing and learning the importance of strong, Biblical leadership. For many years, the Lord has given me a deep love for seeing churches train up faithful, godly men for leadership in the work of ministry. I am extremely grateful to have a small role where I get to support XL Ministries and see how the Lord is using these faithful men to encourage churches in training faithful men for Christ’s glory.

In the riches of the Lord’s kindness, my husband, Steve, and I married in 1987 and we have been greatly blessed with three sons, two daughters-in-love, and one grandson. We attend Countryside Bible Church in Southlake, Texas, where we have the joy of serving in a variety of ministries.

Hannah Hird

Managing Editor


more about Hannah…

I had the privilege of growing up in a Christian home and a small, doctrinally-sound church in north-central Oklahoma. While I do not know the exact moment the Lord mercifully brought me from death to life, I have seen His ongoing, pursuing grace through the Holy Spirit’s conviction of sin, His illumination of the Word, and the personal resonation of John Newton’s words: “I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior.”


After completing a bachelor’s degree with concentrations in english and journalism, I began serving in communications with Worldview Academy, a camp ministry providing worldview, leadership, and apologetics training to high school students. Later, the Lord provided opportunities to work in various capacities of marketing, design, and writing in central Texas and then subsequently back in my hometown of Ponca City, Oklahoma, where I worked for marketing company, Speak Now Productions. 


Through God’s providential kindness, I married my husband and best friend, Stephen, in 2022. Before our wedding, I had the opportunity to reconnect with Rocky and Pam Wyatt, which led to the opportunity to serve XL Ministries through the proofreading and editing of written content. I have a deep respect for the mission of XL in equipping believers for the work of ministry within Christ’s Church. It is a privilege to support this mission while serving as both a wife and a mom to our son, Zeph, in our current home of Upstate South Carolina.

Brenda Payne

Executive Secretary


more about Brenda…

I have been married to my husband, Mike, for 38 years. We have two adult sons, who are both married and blessed us with four grandchildren. Three years ago, we moved from California to Texas to be near our children and grandchildren — the best move we ever made! I came to know Christ at a young age and am thankful to have been raised in a Christian home. My husband and I attended RiverLakes Community Church in Bakersfield, California, where I met (and worked with) Brian Murphy. I am thankful to be part of his ministry again as I serve with XL Ministries.

Edith Bingham

Assistant Project Manager


more about Brenda…

Born in Texas, I was raised in a wonderful family of believers and grew up at Countryside Bible Church, one of XL’s training churches, where, by God’s grace, I came to know Christ as my Savior in middle school.

Throughout my life, I have benefited greatly from XL’s mission as many of my teachers and leaders in my middle school, high school, and college ministries were going through XL’s internship program at the time. Getting to watch XL train leaders for ministry over the years has personally blessed me so much and has given me a huge appreciation for how XL serves the church.

I recently graduated from college with a degree in Business Administration and I am so excited to serve with the team at XL. In my free time, my interests include photography, playing the piano, any and all crafts, hanging out with friends and family, and spending time outdoors.

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Chip Bingham

Business Director

more about Chip…

I am grateful that God allowed me to be raised in a Christian home under parents who loved the Lord. My father was a pastor in a small local church, and, by God’s grace, the Lord drew me to Himself at a young age. 

Shortly after being introduced to my future wife, Billie Ruth, I heard her speak at a training event for children’s ministries. After hearing of her deep love for God and her passion for ministry, I knew I wanted to marry this godly woman. We were married in the fall of 2000 and have been blessed with two wonderful children, Edith and Liam.

We have been attending Countryside Bible Church in Southlake for over 20 years and enjoy serving in ministries to young families. Additionally, our entire family has been directly impacted, encouraged, and blessed by the people who have gone through the XL program at Countryside.

Growing up as a preacher’s kid, I saw the need for raising up biblical leaders within the church. That is why I am so excited about what XL is doing: providing the structure and materials to train up leaders, elders, pastors, and missionaries within the local church.

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Ryan Mitchell

Director of International Ministries

more about Ryan…

During the first ten years of my life, I was sprinkled as an infant in the Catholic Church, my mom was graciously saved by God and left the RC Church, and then, through her faithful instruction in the Scriptures, God saved me too. We never found a good church during my school-going years, but, while I was at university, a friend invited me to Grace Fellowship Pretoria, which is pastored by Joel James, a graduate of The Master’s Seminary. The first time I heard Joel preach I looked down at my Bible, looked up at Joel, looked back down at my Bible, and said to myself, “This is where I belong! He made the Scripture so clear!” I had found a church committed to the Word of God, expository preaching, biblical counseling, elder rule, and training men for ministry. It wasn’t long before many years of slow growth in the faith turned into a race car-paced growth in godliness. 

At the University of Pretoria, I completed a BA Hons in Ancient Languages and Cultures. While completing this degree, Joel took me on as his part-time secretary (something about that crazy degree made Joel like me), which eventually became a full-time position. Over the years, I taught Sunday school classes, adult classes, and helped lead a Bible study. After years of faithful service in the local body, my elders affirmed my call to ministry and in 2010 my family and I headed off to The Master’s Seminary where I spent the next four years studying for the MDiv degree. In 2014, we returned to South Africa where I served as the registrar of a reformed seminary. From 2015 to 2017, I served as an associate pastor at my home church where I worked with a team of pastors to start Shepherds’ Seminary Africa. 

In 2016, my family and I started preparing for church planting in Papua New Guinea and began serving there in 2018. We lived in a mountain village in the Madang Province for close to four years. There we had the privilege of working alongside FinisTerre missionaries, Zach and Cassidy Cann, as they preached the gospel, taught literacy and reading, and planted a church. In 2022, we moved down to Madang town where we fulfilled various ministry and supportive roles until our departure from the field in late 2023.

In February 2024, I joined Living Hope Bible Church in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa where I now serve as an associate pastor to fellow TMS graduate, Andrew Zekveld. Andrew and my fellow elders have asked me to help them establish formal training for men who want to go into full-time pastoral ministry, help them train up elders in several church plants they work with, and help plant churches in the province. XL Ministries’ resources and internships are the perfect tool to help us reach our goal of entrusting to faithful men the gospel of Jesus Christ so that they can plant churches, equip God’s people, and entrust the same truth to others also. I and my fellow elders here at LHBC are excited to be introducing XL Ministries to the church in South Africa and beyond. 

As thankful as I am for the ministry God has allowed me to serve in, I am most thankful for my wife, Elna, and our two kids, Calista and Sebastian. They are a precious gift from the Lord.

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Pam Wyatt


more about Pam…

I am married to Rocky Wyatt and together we have ten grandchildren and two German Shepherds. We currently make our home in the mountains of Southern Colorado where we love hosting friends and family at our cabin and get to be close to my parents in the nearby town of Westcliffe.


I was saved when I was in high school and then served in youth ministry under Rocky as a college student. At that time, I learned the importance of being trained in leadership. I now have the privilege of discipling women with “XL’s Becoming a Biblical Leader, Women’s Edition.” In addition, I am a CPA and worked for a nonprofit foundation for 16 years. Today, I am blessed to use my education and experience to serve XL.

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T.J. Welch

Information Manager

more about T.J….

Having served in men’s ministry since 2000, I worked in various administrative roles before I started working with XL Ministries.  By God’s goodness, I the love of my life and started a family.  We have 4 kids and we enjoy working to further the cause by helping local churches train and develop their own leaders and elders.

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Barbara Kemp

Executive Assistant

more about Barbara…

Barbara is a native Texan and life-long resident of the Fort Worth area. She began volunteering with XL Ministries in the late ‘90s and came on staff part time in 2001. In 2004 she retired from working in systems management; in 2023 she retired from working at her church.  She continues to work part time at XL Ministries, and also enjoys knitting, crocheting, bike riding, playing Pinochle with friends, and participating in “Texas 42” domino tournaments.

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Billie Ruth Bingham

Project Manager

more about Billie Ruth…

In God’s kindness, He allowed me to grow up in a Christian home where I learned the truths of the gospel from a young age. At the age of 16, my heart was opened to my need for a Savior and I trusted in Christ as my LORD and Savior at that time. I attended Texas A&M University and studied Education and then continued my studies at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary by earning a Master’s in Religious Education in 1991. Since that time, I served on two church staffs: one in Texas and one in Alabama.

In 2000, I married Chip Bingham and God blessed us with two children, Edith and Liam. We are thankful to call Fort Worth, Texas and Countryside Bible Church our home. Since 2003, we have been attending Countryside Bible Church and are thankful for the opportunities to serve in various capacities with young families and children. 

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Hannah Marquez

XL Conference Coordinator

more about Hannah…

I was born in Texas and raised in Cape Girardeau, MO. I grew up attending church and learning about God and His Word. But in high school, through His undeserving grace, God allowed all the head knowledge I had to reach my heart and opened my eyes to see my need for Jesus Christ as my Savior.


In college I moved to Fort Worth, TX where I attended Criswell College and received a certificate in Biblical Studies. I then attended the University of North Texas where I graduated with a bachelor’s in interdisciplinary studies.


After some time serving as an administrative assistant at Countryside Bible Church and working in various teaching jobs, I married my husband, Edwin, in 2010. I am currently a stay-at-home mom to my two children, Silas and Alexis. Along with being a wife and mother, I have the privilege of serving my church in various ministries and serving XL Ministries as their Conference Coordinator.

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Julie Armstrong

Shipping Coordinator

more about Julie…

By His grace, the Lord brought me to Himself at a young age through the faithfulness of my mom. I have had the privilege of being part of solid, Bible-teaching churches from my youth, observing and learning the importance of strong, Biblical leadership. For many years, the Lord has given me a deep love for seeing churches train up faithful, godly men for leadership in the work of ministry. I am extremely grateful to have a small role where I get to support XL Ministries and see how the Lord is using these faithful men to encourage churches in training faithful men for Christ’s glory.

In the riches of the Lord’s kindness, my husband, Steve, and I married in 1987 and we have been greatly blessed with three sons, two daughters-in-love, and one grandson. We attend Countryside Bible Church in Southlake, Texas, where we have the joy of serving in a variety of ministries.

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Hannah Hird

Managing Editor

more about Hannah…

I had the privilege of growing up in a Christian home and a small, doctrinally-sound church in north-central Oklahoma. While I do not know the exact moment the Lord mercifully brought me from death to life, I have seen His ongoing, pursuing grace through the Holy Spirit’s conviction of sin, His illumination of the Word, and the personal resonation of John Newton’s words: “I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior.”


After completing a bachelor’s degree with concentrations in english and journalism, I began serving in communications with Worldview Academy, a camp ministry providing worldview, leadership, and apologetics training to high school students. Later, the Lord provided opportunities to work in various capacities of marketing, design, and writing in central Texas and then subsequently back in my hometown of Ponca City, Oklahoma, where I worked for marketing company, Speak Now Productions. 


Through God’s providential kindness, I married my husband and best friend, Stephen, in 2022. Before our wedding, I had the opportunity to reconnect with Rocky and Pam Wyatt, which led to the opportunity to serve XL Ministries through the proofreading and editing of written content. I have a deep respect for the mission of XL in equipping believers for the work of ministry within Christ’s Church. It is a privilege to support this mission while serving as both a wife and a mom to our son, Zeph, in our current home of Upstate South Carolina.

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Brenda Payne

Executive Secretary

more about Brenda…

I have been married to my husband, Mike, for 38 years. We have two adult sons, who are both married and blessed us with four grandchildren. Three years ago, we moved from California to Texas to be near our children and grandchildren — the best move we ever made! I came to know Christ at a young age and am thankful to have been raised in a Christian home. My husband and I attended RiverLakes Community Church in Bakersfield, California, where I met (and worked with) Brian Murphy. I am thankful to be part of his ministry again as I serve with XL Ministries.

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Edith Bingham

Assistant Project Manager

more about Edith…

Born in Texas, I was raised in a wonderful family of believers and grew up at Countryside Bible Church, one of XL’s training churches, where, by God’s grace, I came to know Christ as my Savior in middle school.

Throughout my life, I have benefited greatly from XL’s mission as many of my teachers and leaders in my middle school, high school, and college ministries were going through XL’s internship program at the time. Getting to watch XL train leaders for ministry over the years has personally blessed me so much and has given me a huge appreciation for how XL serves the church.

I recently graduated from college with a degree in Business Administration and I am so excited to serve with the team at XL. In my free time, my interests include photography, playing the piano, any and all crafts, hanging out with friends and family, and spending time outdoors.

International Connections

Dusty Burris

Director of Latin American Ministries

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more about Dusty…

Dusty Burris has served as the Pastor/Teacher of Northlake Bible Church since June of 2019. Prior to this, he served as Associate Pastor of Countryside Bible Church where he oversaw the college ministry and several other ministries of the church. Dusty graduated with a Master of Divinity degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in May of 2010. Prior to his time at Countryside, he served in various roles at other churches in the East Texas area. Besides teaching the Word of God, he also enjoys hunting, writing Christian music, and leading worship. He and his wife Rebecca have one daughter, Avery, and one son, Luke.

Vikram Pimplekar

International Trainer

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more about Vikram…

Vikram graduated as an XL Ministries Pastoral Intern in January of 2019 and has been serving as an Associate Pastor at Countryside Bible Church in Southlake, Texas. At Countryside, he oversees the Career Singles Ministry and provides leadership to the Outreach and Care Ministries. In 2015, Vikram earned an M.A. in Philosophy from Southern Evangelical Seminary (SES) in Charlotte, North Carolina. Later in 2019, he completed a Masters in Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS) in Dallas, Texas, and he is currently pursuing a Doctor of Ministry in Expository Preaching from The Master’s Seminary (TMS) in Sun Valley, California. With XL Ministries, Vikram serves as an International Trainer and works to provide XL Ministries’ materials and training to local pastors and church leaders. Vikram is married to Esther and they have three beautiful children.

Chris Riser

International Trainer


more about Chris…

The greatest thing that has ever happened to me is the work of God to bring me to salvation! I was not raised in a Christian home and so the salvation of my parents when I was seven years old had a radical impact on the course of my life. We began attending church and I heard the gospel many times. When I was ten I realized that I never put my faith and trust in Christ alone. During the next church service, I completely and clearly committed my life to Christ: repenting of my sin, trusting His completed work, and placing myself totally in His hands. When I was in the tenth grade I felt a very strong desire from the Lord to pursue youth ministry and devoted my life to that task. As a result, I have been actively involved in ministry to teens and adults since 1985.

By the Lord’s grace I have had the privilege of serving in a variety of churches and ministries. I served as pastor to junior and senior high youth at Cape Bible Chapel in Cape Girardeau, Missouri from 1992 — 2001, when I left to attend Master’s Seminary in Los Angeles, CA. At the completion of seminary in 2004, God moved my family to Maryville, TN, where I am currently the teaching pastor at Grace Community Church.

I have been married to my beautiful wife Alisa since 1989. We have a son, Josiah (1995), and three daughters, Johanna (2003), Maria (2006), and Salena (2008). Maria and Salena are biological sisters who were adopted from Haiti in 2010.

My passion is to walk in a manner worthy of my Lord, to minister within the local church, and to train others to serve Jesus with excellence, grace, and wisdom. It is my deepest desire to see Christ magnified so that all peoples and all nations might fear and worship Him as He so richly deserves.

My life verse is Hebrews 12:1-4.
“Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you may not grow weary and lose heart. You have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood in your striving against sin;”

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Dusty Burris

Director of Latin American Ministries

more about Dusty…

Dusty Burris has served as the Pastor/Teacher of Northlake Bible Church since June of 2019. Prior to this, he served as Associate Pastor of Countryside Bible Church where he oversaw the college ministry and several other ministries of the church. Dusty graduated with a Master of Divinity degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in May of 2010. Prior to his time at Countryside, he served in various roles at other churches in the East Texas area. Besides teaching the Word of God, he also enjoys hunting, writing Christian music, and leading worship. He and his wife Rebecca have one daughter, Avery, and one son, Luke.

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Vikram Pimplekar

International Trainer

more about Vikram…

Vikram graduated as an XL Ministries Pastoral Intern in January of 2019 and has been serving as an Associate Pastor at Countryside Bible Church in Southlake, Texas. At Countryside, he oversees the Career Singles Ministry and provides leadership to the Outreach and Care Ministries. In 2015, Vikram earned an M.A. in Philosophy from Southern Evangelical Seminary (SES) in Charlotte, North Carolina. Later in 2019, he completed a Masters in Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS) in Dallas, Texas, and he is currently pursuing a Doctor of Ministry in Expository Preaching from The Master’s Seminary (TMS) in Sun Valley, California. With XL Ministries, Vikram serves as an International Trainer and works to provide XL Ministries’ materials and training to local pastors and church leaders. Vikram is married to Esther and they have three beautiful children.


Chris Riser

International Trainer

more about Chris…

The greatest thing that has ever happened to me is the work of God to bring me to salvation! I was not raised in a Christian home and so the salvation of my parents when I was seven years old had a radical impact on the course of my life. We began attending church and I heard the gospel many times. When I was ten I realized that I never put my faith and trust in Christ alone. During the next church service, I completely and clearly committed my life to Christ: repenting of my sin, trusting His completed work, and placing myself totally in His hands. When I was in the tenth grade I felt a very strong desire from the Lord to pursue youth ministry and devoted my life to that task. As a result, I have been actively involved in ministry to teens and adults since 1985.

By the Lord’s grace I have had the privilege of serving in a variety of churches and ministries. I served as pastor to junior and senior high youth at Cape Bible Chapel in Cape Girardeau, Missouri from 1992 — 2001, when I left to attend Master’s Seminary in Los Angeles, CA. At the completion of seminary in 2004, God moved my family to Maryville, TN, where I am currently the teaching pastor at Grace Community Church.

I have been married to my beautiful wife Alisa since 1989. We have a son, Josiah (1995), and three daughters, Johanna (2003), Maria (2006), and Salena (2008). Maria and Salena are biological sisters who were adopted from Haiti in 2010.

My passion is to walk in a manner worthy of my Lord, to minister within the local church, and to train others to serve Jesus with excellence, grace, and wisdom. It is my deepest desire to see Christ magnified so that all peoples and all nations might fear and worship Him as He so richly deserves.

My life verse is Hebrews 12:1-4.
“Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you may not grow weary and lose heart. You have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood in your striving against sin;”