The wicked wait for me to destroy me; I shall diligently consider Your testimonies.
Psalm 119:95
Do you have people who hate you so much that they want to kill you? Are you facing circumstances that make you constantly aware of the fact that clever, evil people are scheming to cause you harm in every way they can?
I’ll be honest—while I know we have brothers and sisters in Christ who face such opposition, it is hard for me to imagine what this would be like.
How would you finish the first part of this verse, “The wicked wait for me to destroy me…”?
I can think of some options that would not reflect the heart of the psalmist. Notice that he does not question God. He does not push God’s word away. He does not get frustrated with God’s plans for his life. His commitment is to diligently consider God’s testimonies. The idea is that the psalmist will continue to spend intentional time in God’s word with a commitment to learn and understand the eternal truths of God as they relate to the challenging circumstances of life. His responsibility is to learn to live in light of God’s testimonies regardless of the difficulty and complexity of his life. The only way to accomplish such a feat is to understand the value and importance of God’s word. It is God’s word, through the work of the Holy Spirit, that guides us and sustains us in this life.
You may be in the midst of some very difficult circumstances. Maybe you don’t have people who want to kill you, nevertheless you are facing tremendous challenges. I pray that the following words of the psalmist will resonate in your heart!
Your testimonies also are my delight; they are my counselors.
Psalm 119:24